Sunday 27 February 2022

The Grumpy Bastard Returns

I know, I know, it's presumptuous and more than a little arrogant of me to assume there's anybody out there desperately waiting for WordJam to kick back into life. That said, the visitor stats don't lie, so here I am to offer a sleight of hand apology for my absence and a few words on where The Greatest Blog on the Etherweb™ is going next.

Naturally, satire and commentary will continue to be at the top of WordJam's priorities (after all, casting a snarky, wry eye over current events is this site's bread and butter), but I'm also keen to get back into doing film reviews, which I freely admit seem to have fallen by the wayside in the last couple of years. Since I can't be arsed going to the cinema these days (partly due to the fact I can't find anything worth watching, but mostly because other cinema-goers get on my tits) most of these reviews will focus on older films. Call me a stuffy, old contrarian if you like, but I can't imagine, say, House of Gucci or Scream 2022 holding the same exalted place in the hearts of movie-hounds that Dodsworth or Son of Frankenstein continue to enjoy. Plus, with the benefit of hindsight, older films tend to have more resonance than the celluloid Happy Meals we're offered today.

On a more practical note, I'm also seriously considering migrating this blog and its contents to another server. Host sites are all very well and good, but they don't allow you the freedom to express yourself without the threat of content strikes or delisting. After posting several articles in 2020 and 2021 satirising, among other things, Covid measures, the Capitol Riot and self-styled liberal progressive activism, I received quite a few emails from readers saying they were having trouble accessing this blog. I'm not saying this was censorship, but given the current state of online media I don't want to take any more chances. Whatever happens, I'll keep you updated.

And that's it for this post. I'll see you in a few days when normal service resumes. In the meantime, keep watching the headlines.