Thursday 9 June 2022

What You Didn't Miss: Pistol (FX, 2022)

Cue music: "Born to Lose" by Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers.

Cut to: backstage at the 100 Club, London; the Sex Pistols are cramped into a tatty dressing room filled with beer cans and overflowing ashtrays. Johnny Rotten pops his zits into the mirror as Glen Matlock and Paul Cook enjoy a game of Gin Rummy. Jordan sits in the corner reading Valerie Solanos' SCUM Manifesto while touching up her nail polish. A toilet flushes and a pale, visibly nervous Steve Jones walks in. He tears a loose Showaddywaddy poster off the wall and wipes a bit of sick from the side of his mouth.

JONES: [Queasy] Oh, fuck shit bollocks wanker cunt....

JORDAN: [Laughs] Limp dick spunk squit toxic masculinity, guy!

JONES: Bollocks shit bugger tit low self-esteem turd.

ROTTEN: [Sneers] Arsehole. Anarchy fuck shit dirty bastard git.

JONES: [Shouts] Piss shit wanker willy bum, tosser!

JORDAN: Quim fanny vulva revolution cunt.

ROTTEN: Fuck twat. Bastard bollocks wanker cock.

JORDAN: Knackers knob prick - minge emancipation clit!

ROTTEN: Used tampon fart crap slag orgy.

Jones advances on Rotten.

JONES: Misogynist cunt...

Cut to corridor: Malcolm McClaren and Vivienne Westwood knock on the dressing room door.

McCLAREN: Watt Tyler peasant's revolt Situationism Guy Debord Foucault.

WESTWOOD: Luxemburg Kahlo Arendt de Beauvoir?

McCLAREN: [Snorts] Derek Jarman... Paris Commune Dada Eco Kant.

We suddenly hear a loud crash from the dressing room.

WESTWOOD: Stein-? 

McCLAREN: [Sighs] Weber Nietzsche Junger Fromm.

They force open the door to find Rotten and Jones exchanging blows, Matlock and Cook trying to separate them as Jordan nonchalantly smokes a cigarette.

McCLAREN: Warhol! Breton Decemberist Duchamp...

JONES: [Grabbing Rotten's throat] Smug snide shit-stirring bastard cock cunt twat sod rotter!

ROTTEN: ABBA loving wanker!

JORDAN: [Shouts] Male fragility castration complex penis envy, prostate!

Jones releases Rotten and they step back, catching their breath.

McCLAREN: [Shakes head, then-] Sex Pistols. Punk. 1976. Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, anarchy, nihilism, mutiny, insurgency-

Cue music: "New Rose" by the Damned

Cut to montage: the Queen waving from her carriage during the Silver Jubilee procession; an elderly lady at a bus stop; the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace; skinheads tearing up the stands at a football match; top-hatted crowds at Ascot; working-class children playing on waste ground; James Callaghan shaking hands with Jimmy Carter; footballer Robin Friday making the 'v'-sign at Milija Aleksic; Enoch Powell denouncing the Common Market; Asian migrants in Bradford; city gents on their way to work; unemployed young people queuing outside a job centre; etc.

McCLAREN: [Continuous] -liberation, coup, overthrow, sedition, subversion, youth culture, subculture, T-Rex, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, MC5, New York Dolls, Bob Marley, Gill Scott-Heron, Burroughs, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Solzhenitsyn, Genet, Céline, Sartre, Camus, Rimbaud, Henry Miller, Bukowski, anti-glam, anti-prog, anti-disco, anti-pop, anti-fascist, anti-communist, anti-capitalist, anti-monarchist, anti-government, anti-establishment, antithetical, malcontents, outsiders and ne'er-do-wells. You. Punk. Spirit of '76. The Sex Pistols...

Pause, then-

ROTTEN: [Belches] Bollocks.

Don't forget to tune in next time for more incomprehensible dialogue, swearing, spitting, overuse of stock footage, middle-class drama graduates pretending to be working-class, choice tracks from Danny Boyle's record collection and laughably earnest talk about youth rebellion designed to make you forget you're watching a Disney product.