Friday 13 May 2022

WordJam Message Board: Special Discussion

Today's Topic: Should Ukraine join the EU?

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - May 13, 18:07
They shud def be in euro vishun. Loved there song last year

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 18:08
They mean the European Union, dipshit.

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - May 13, 18:09
oh ok

RainbowPrincess456 - May 13, 18:15
Should they join the EU??!! Obvs!!!!!! The EU empowers POC and womxn of all genders everywhere!!!!!!! 🌈🦄💗

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 18:16

RainbowPrincess456 - May 13, 18:19
The fact you need to ask says *everything* I need to know about you... #SmashCisHetWhitePatriarchy

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 18:21
It's a reasonable question. Educate me.

RainbowPrincess456 - May 13, 18:22
It's not my job to educate you!!!!!! Do the work!!!!!!!! #DoTheWork

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 18:24
It's not happening, anyway. Too many oligarchs and not enough democracy.

WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11 - May 13, 18:27
(((They))) want us to help (((Zelenskyy))) and his (((cronies))) turn Europe into a new (((Promised Land))).

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 18:29
@WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11: Pretty sure the EU flooding Europe with North African and Middle Eastern migrants isn't going to turn the continent Jewish.

WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11 - May 13, 19:31
I didn't say that. Why are *you* saying that?

MAGA1776 - May 13, 18:34
Even if they were allowed to join you just know they'd end up a pariah state like Hungary and Poland. I can't see them surrendering their conservative Christian values to embrace multiculturalism and the ever-growing demands of the alphabet people. Let's face it, who's your average Ukrainian going to have more in common with: Ursula von der Leyen or Viktor Orban?

Biden2024 - May 13, 18:35
Still watching Tucker Carlson, then, Qboy?

MAGA1776 - May 13, 18:36
Fuck you, retard.

Biden2024 - May 13, 18:33
I know you are but what am I?

KarenKilla - May 13, 18:37
@MAGA1776: Are you from Ukraine?

MAGA1776 - May 13, 18:38
@KarenKilla: No. Why?

KarenKilla - May 13, 18:42
Then shut your fucking westsplaining mouth, you fascist piece of shit.

MAGA1776 - May 13, 18:45
Wow. Way to destroy my argument with facts and logic.

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 18:47
@MAGA1776: Careful, bruh: everyone knows only Nazis use facts and logic 😝

KarenKilla - May 13, 18:51
@MAGA1776: It's because of your precious MAGA King taking it in the ass from Putin people in Ukraine are suffering right now.

Biden2024 - May 13, 18:54
@KarenKilla: 100% this. If Trump hadn't spent four years enabling Putin there would be no war.

KarenKilla - May 13, 18:56
@Biden2024: I KNOW. That's what I just said. Stop mansplaining, dickwad.

Biden2024 - May 13, 18:58
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'll try and do better.

MAGA1776 - May 13, 18:59
@Biden2024: Still drinking the soy milk, then, simpboy?

Biden2024 - May 13, 19:01
Fuck you, retard.

MAGA1776 - May 13, 19:02
I know you are but what am I?

MemeKing - May 13, 19:14
Putin be like:

AllCopsMustFry - May 13, 19:15
If Putin was Black we would of nuked Russia by now.

KarenKilla - May 13, 19:17
We still should. Fuck that fucking little Nazi midget.

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 19:19
You realise if we nuke Russia they'll nuke us, right?

KarenKilla - May 13, 19:22
So? With racist, heteronormative western civilization out the way Africa can take over. #WakandaForever

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 19:23
Reality's not your strong suite, is it?

BLM4EVA1865 - May 13, 19:25
@KarenKilla: Fuckin-A. Break 'em off some. #TheDayTheNiggazTookOver

KarenKilla - May 13, 19:27
@BLM4EVA1865: Are you Black? Just want to make sure you're allowed to use that word.

BLM4EVA1865 - May 13, 19:28
Are you? Cos if you're not you can't tell me I can't.

RussiaBot1917 - May 13, 19:30
Is anyone here black?

KarenKilla - May 13, 19:31
@RussiaBot1917: You're DEAD, Trump scum. BELIEVE.

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - May 13, 20:15
My mom ses they shud let Rusha join nato then they wudnt feel so left out