Monday 1 January 2018

New Year, New WordJam!


Well, not really.

As WordJam races towards its second birthday, I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all my readers for their continued support. It's been a pleasure, guys.
But this isn't the end! There's plenty more to come in the months ahead...


"I say, I say: my wife's suffering from radiation sickness due to a North Korean nuclear missile falling short of the US mainland and landing on an island in the West Indies where she happened to be stationed at a local hospital in preparation for such a scenario."


"No, she went there to provide medical assistance of her own accord..."


"...And I can honestly say, without fear of contradiction, Sharknado 4 is the greatest movie ever to boast a shark, a tornado, and a film poster resembling the one for The Force Awakens..."


"...And from one incompetent, corrupt, geriatric media whore to another, I say to you, Mr Trump: DON'T BUILD THAT FUCKING WALL..."


...Yep, all that and more is coming up in 2018 on WordJam: the greatest blog on the ethernet.
But don't take my word for it: let's hear what the great and good are saying about WordJam...

"Richard English is a fat, attention-seeking git." - Kim Jong-un

"I don't give a flaming fuck about WordJam, or the sad, sorry bastard behind it." - Rupert Murdoch

"Like Laurence Sterne, Lenny Bruce and Lady Gaga, Richard English disassembles faux-intellectual pretension with Occam-like precision without pandering to popular trends. #WordJamPML." - Alan Yentob

"What's a blog?" - Theresa May

Onwards, folks!