Thursday 30 May 2024

Google Content Warning

I received a notification from Google this evening informing me that a post I wrote six years ago concerning the Skripal poisonings and their subsequent aftermath has been reported to their service and placed behind a 'sensitive content warning interstitial'. Naturally, as the piece falls under the category of satire and artistic expression, I've appealed this decision. No reason was given how or why the article violates community guidelines, but I doubt the use of strong language had anything to do with it; if that were the case, there are plenty of other posts on WordJam that would be under sanction. This leads me to assume that exception was taken to some of the details and/or speculations contained within the article. If this is so, I'd like to make it clear there is absolutely nothing libellous about any of the claims made against specific individuals (all information regarding financial transactions, public statements, etc was accurate at the time of publication), and the article does not promote hatred or incite criminal acts. I don't know if this blog is actively monitored by Google, but I feel it's in my readers' interests to know when undue action and/or interference is taken against its content as clarity is, of course, an essential component of creative expression.

High falutin' language aside, I don't mind telling you I'm pretty miffed.

Update [31st May]:

Still no explanation why it was targeted, though.