Thursday 4 October 2018

A Response to the Allegations of Russian Cyber-Plots You're Reading About Right Now.

...Of course, as far as the majority of western media's concerned it's more like this:

from Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (1930)
Yet, strangely, all the 'evidence' seems to stem from this:

Click to enlarge

[Sighs deeply]

It's all a giant shit sandwich, folks. But, look - whatever: just make up your own minds, okay? For what it's worth, though, I'm getting fed up with all this scaremongering and misinformation.

* * * * * UPDATE (9/10/2018) * * * * *

Oddly enough, a day after posting this piece I received an email from Google Plus saying it violates their user policy. If anyone can explain why, please contact me on the email address in the sidebar (web version). I refuse to believe it's a copyright issue...