Wednesday 18 August 2021

WordJam Message Board: Special Discussion

Today's Topic: Is the US right to pull out of Afghanistan?

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - August 18, 18:15
I wish peeple wud leave simone biles a lone. shes jus lookin out for her men tal health. wats wrong with that

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 18:16
Go back to sleep, dum-dum.

Biden2024 - August 18, 18:18
I think Biden's right to pull the troops out of Afghanistan. If anyone's to blame for the humanitarian crisis taking place there right now it's Trump.

MAGA1776 - August 18, 18:21
Sure, why not? It's not as if Sleepy Joe and the Dems have blamed him for anything else that's gone wrong on their watch, like the border crisis or inflation.

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 18:23
If Reagan hadn't supported the Mujahideen in the Soviet-Afghan War there wouldn't even be a Taliban.

Biden2024 - August 18, 18:24
@RussiaBot1917: 100% this. Republicans have always been scum.

Biden2024 - August 18, 18:25
@MAGA1776: Give my regards to the wrong side of history, Trumptard.

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 18:28
Then again, if Clinton hadn't sent them off to fight in Bosnia by making out Islam was under threat they wouldn't have been radicalised and attacked the World Trade Center.

MAGA1776 - August 18, 18:29
@RussiaBot1917: 100% THIS.

MAGA1776 - August 18, 18:30
@Biden2024: How's it looking on your side of history, Comrade Libtard?

BLM4EVA1865 - August 18, 18:43
So a bunch of white dudes go into a BIPOC community, brutalize everyone then leave without acknowledging the trauma they've caused? Hmmm... Isn't there a name for that? Oh yeah: WHITE FLIGHT. Calling it anything else is racist.

RainbowPrincess456 - August 18, 18:51
@BLM4EVA1865: Totally. This whole 'war on terror' has been informed by cis-het white male privilege right from the start. It makes me sad beyond words we're leaving Afghan womxn of all genders to fend for themselves. #TransAfghanLivesMatter

KarenKilla - August 18, 18:58
America deserves to get it's ass kicked for acting like a whiny little bitch and invading Afghanistan for no reason at all.

MAGA1776 - August 18, 19:04
Erm... you people do know why we went in, right?

KarenKilla - August 18, 19:07
@MAGA1776: Yes, because Islamophobic fascists like you called the manager on some AFghan tourist's who just wanted to get a closer look at the WTC.

WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11 - August 18, 19:15
WAKE UP, people. The musrats on those planes were just patsies for the REAL terrorists...

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 19:16
Yeah, al-Qaeda.

WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11 - August 18, 19:16

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 19:18
Go on, then.

WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11 - August 18, 19:19
(((The Children Of The Circumcision)))

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 19:20
That's what I said - Jihadists.

RainbowPrincess456 - August 18, 19:31
@RussiaBot1917: One of my besties (FYI, ALL my friends are best friends - including you guys!) was assigned female at birth by her Jewish parents, but now he's come out as genderfluid she may or may not choose to identify as circumcised when he feels male. The fact you immediately associate this particular characteristic with certain groups is deeply exclusionary and says a lot about your attitude to trans people. #AnyoneCanHaveAPenis

KarenKilla - August 18, 19:47
@RussiaBot1917: It wasn't Muslim's who attacked the Capitol.

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 19:52
...And your point is-?

KarenKilla - August 18, 19:55
White supremacist's are the real terrorist's.

RussiaBot1917 - August 18, 19:59
Strange, I don't recall Bin Laden ever wearing a MAGA hat. But then, I don't live on Planet Asshole.

MAGA1776 - August 18, 20:12
@RussiaBot1917: LOL

BLM4EVA1865 - August 18, 20:21
@RussiaBot1917: He was wearing it internally. Read Robin DiAngelo and educate yourself, you racist fuck.

KarenKilla - August 18, 20:33
Fuckin A. I'm sick of these nazi douchebag's coming on here, sharing their dumbass opionion's and shutting people down with 'facts'. Who cares about 9/11 and Bin Laden, anyway? We've got worse thing's going on right now, like the BAME Holocaust at the hand's of racist cop's.

AllCopsMustFry - August 18, 20:34
George Floyd > 9/11.

BLM4EV1865 - August 18, 20:36
@AllCopsMustFry: THIS.

KarenKilla - August 18, 20:41
@AllCopsMustFry: We need to launch a Black op's mission against Derek Chauvin NOW.

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - August 18, 22:09
We shud blow evry f-ing thing xcept Afganistan on the map off like Eminem sed. that will teech us fur bein rasists