Well, today we witnessed the funeral of a man many have described as a true American patriot. WordJam, however, takes a different view. Frankly, it's sickening how this xenophobic warmonger has been elevated to an almost saint-like status.
This was a man who campaigned for war against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea and Iran. A man who stood in Kiev spreading anti-Russian sentiment as unarmed police officers were set on fire with Molotov cocktails and the democratically elected government of the Ukraine was ousted in an illegal coup that would prove financially rewarding for the US.
The only reason - the most obvious reason - McCain has gone from the laughing stock that he was in the 2008 presidential election to "Hero of Democracy" is because he's been Trump's most vocal and influential critic in the Republican Party; the 'deep state', who know they can't nail Trump solely on the Stormy Daniels business, are going to push this Russian 'interference' nonsense as much as they can by using 'patriots' like McCain as leverage.
Let's just stop pretending now, okay? Y'know: unless we really want to let the mainstream western media pump nasty, jingoistic shit into our heads and blind us to what's really going on.
It's up to us, folks.