Wednesday 22 May 2019

WordJam's UK-EU Parliamentary Election Celebrity Special!

I'm sure you'll agree, there's nothing more inspiring than a bunch of celebrities giving their personal seal of approval to political causes. That's why WordJam contacted several public figures in a variety of fields and asked who they're voting for tomorrow (or, in some cases, would vote if they were UK citizens). But remember, folks, the choice is ultimately yours. Treasure it.

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Katie Hopkins
We have a big decision ahead of us tomorrow: perhaps the biggest decision we'll ever have to make in our lifetime. I said as much to my daughters Regan and Goneril this morning as we waited for that Polish cleaning woman of ours to get a bloody move on making the beds, doing the laundry, cleaning the fridge, shampooing the carpets and torturing the dogs.

"Mummy?" Goneril asked, "Does this mean we'll have to get a new cleaner? Ksenia's ever so good!"

"Oh, sweetie! There are plenty of very capable British people who can do her job," I replied, turning to Ksenia as she dusted the Capo-di-Monte trinket box full of ex-boyfriends' testicles. "AND I WOULDN'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO THEM WHAT CHORES I WANT DOING TEN SODDING TIMES, EITHER!"

Suddenly Ksenia crossed herself, stormed over and started making a violent stabbing motion with the duster, screaming something unintelligible at me in Polish before bursting into tears. I could tell she was angry at herself for shirking her duties, so to show I'm not a totally heartless bitch I allowed her to have a ten second cigarette break.

It's not her fault she isn't British, the poor woman - but I do object to her and her freeloading kind getting rich off our generosity and hard work while the EU laughs at us behind our backs. That's why I'm voting Conservative tomorrow, and unless you're retarded or Polish I suggest you do the same.

Mikhail Gorbachev
Socialism cannot exist without democracy, which is to say democracy cannot exist without socialism. But this is not about socialism, it is about democracy.

Or is it socialism?

Doesn't matter. The point is, I understand how it feels to watch a union of nations fracturing before your very eyes. You feel helpless, betrayed and resentful: but if it is the will of the people then it must be honoured.

That is the very essence of democracy.

Vote Labour tomorrow and you will be represented in Europe by a party who will respect the outcome of the 2016 EU referendum. If you voted Leave, we will leave. If you voted Remain, we will remain. If you don't give a toss about Brexit anymore, Labour won't give a toss either. For this is democracy, and democracy is nothing without the people.

Without you, Labour are nothing. And without Labour, you are nothing.

And that, my friends, is socialism.

Or democracy. I forget which.
 Greta Thunberg
The roof. The roof.

Can you hear me?

I am here to tell you the roof is on fire.

You say: "We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn."

That will not help matters.

Yes, the roof will burn. But what happens once the fire has worked its way through the roof?

It will burn the house down along with all your possessions, and kill anyone who happens to be inside. You will then have to answer questions from the emergency services and your insurance company. You could even end up homeless, or in prison.

That is why when I tell you the roof is on fire you must put it out ASAP.

I hope you heard me. Vote Green on May 23rd, or every motherfucker on the planet will burn.

And that's a promise.

There is only one thing worse than being raped, and that is being raped by a gang of Muslims. I myself have experienced the ignominy of being sodomised by the sons of Mohammed, and it left me feeling sick and ill, and very, very tired. Admittedly it was a metaphorical rape (namely the stripping away of our national identity), but that doesn't make it any less real or emotionally violating than a chicken queen forcibly removing a virgin's drawers in a public toilet.

It is not racist defending one's culture from smelly, meat-eating nomads, nor is it cynical to side with a bunch of butch, bellicose bigots who would gladly have beaten fifty shades of Shelley out of me thirty years ago now they're the underdog. That's why you must put your cross - the symbol of suffering - next to Tommy Robinson's name on your ballot paper tomorrow. Together, we can get those Bengalis off the platforms and back on the train to Carnivoristan where they belong.

If you're anything like me you've probably had it up to here with those namby-pamby bureaucrats in Brussels sitting on their fat arses, tearing up the Weights and Measures Act and telling us what words we're allowed to use when talking about gender benders.

I mean, what is this: the Second Duchy of Luxembourg or GREAT BRITAIN? Did we win two World Wars, one World Cup and get to host the Olympics just to let a bunch of greasy, garlic-eating pseudo-Krauts tell us what to do?

Let me tell you something now, something we all know deep down but no one has the guts to admit: the only reason we keep doing so badly at Eurovision is because the rest of Europe's jealous of us. That's right: JEALOUS. Jemini, Daz Sampson and Scooch could wipe the floor with ABBA and Lordi any day. But they were robbed of their moment of glory by a cabal of globalists who want to diminish our position on the world stage by filling the airwaves with bland euro pop.

Well, bugger that, mate.

That's why, when you cast your vote tomorrow, give it to The Brexit Party. Think of it like a fist smashing through all that la-di-da PC crap and giving Europe a black eye.

Thank you for listening, and God bless.