Tuesday 30 November 2021

WordJam Productions Presents: Quatermass in the Shit (AKA. "Five Million Years to TERF")

With apologies to Nigel Kneale and Roy Ward Baker.

NB. Click images to enlarge.

While working on the extension to the Hobbs End underground station, a group of builders make a horrifying discovery:

Satisfied there's no evidence of foul play, the authorities send in forensic archeologist Dr. Matthew Roney. After making an analysis of the remains, he holds a press conference to explain their significance:

As the army set to work, Dr. Roney and Miss Judd reflect on this strange turn of events:

Meanwhile, the bomb disposal squad have questions of their own:

That afternoon, Professor Quatermass arrives at Hobbs End, where Dr. Roney presents him with another mystery:

True to his word, Quatermass meets with Colonel Breen - but they fail to see eye-to-eye on the situation in hand:

Breen submits, and they investigate the interior of the strange craft:


But despite Quatermass' best efforts, dark forces begin to interfere:

Undeterred, Quatermass takes a more direct approach:

Next morning at Hobbs End:

Released from custody, Quatermass is called to Whitehall to see the Home Secretary:

On the day of the parade, however, tensions spiral out of control:

At the same time, back at Hobbs Lane, and unseen by human eyes, the alien spacecraft begins to come back to life:

Not far away, as London descends into chaos, Quatermass and Miss Judd are confronted with an awful and devastating truth: