Saturday, 10 February 2024

WordJam Message Board: Special Discussion

Today's Topic: What did you think of Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin?

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - February 10, 18:01
I didnt like it. Evry time Puttin sed some thin ther was this weird voice talkin over him an I cudnt make out what he was sayin

RussiaBot1917 - February 10, 18:02
That was the translation, moron.

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - February 10, 18:03
Oh rite

MemeKing - February 10, 18:04
Tucker be like:

SonOfArchieBunker - February 10, 18:06
The best part's been watching the full-on meltdown by the military-industrial MSM. Who knew they hated the truth so much?

TruthTeller1981 - February 10, 18:07
@SonOfArchieBunker: It's one thing to say this interview told the truth, but it's another thing to say that it didn't.

RussiaBot1917 - February 10, 18:08
@TruthTeller1981: ...Well, you can't argue with that.

NikkiHaleyMILFGoddess - February 10, 18:09
I wasn't taken in by Putin's lies for one second. There was no written agreement preventing NATO from expanding into Eastern Europe, and yet Tucker let him repeat that lie over and over without correcting him. Let yourselves be tricked by Russian misinformation all you like, but I'm not giving one inch to that evil, bloodthirsty dictator.

RamaswamyRulez - February 10, 18:10
@NikkiHaleyMILFGoddess: Putin does say in the interview it was a verbal rather than written agreement. This is backed up in the NSA archives in transcripts of conversations between Gorbachev and James Baker, Douglas Hurd, François Mitterrand and Helmut Kohl, among others.

NikkiHaleyMILFGoddess - February 10, 18:12
@RamaswarmyRulez: My mistake. Fair play to him.

RainbowPrincess456 - February 10, 18:17
What did I think? Uhm... MALE, PALE and STALE!!! 😠😠😠 The war in Ukraine started because of privileged, cishet whyte men like Putin and Tucker Carlson, and it'll only end when Global Majority 2SLGBTQIA+ womxn of all genders are allowed into the conference chambers of the world to sort this mess out!!! 🌈🦄💗 #Thefutureisqueer

RussiaBot1917 - February 10, 18:18
@RainbowPrincess456: You can type that shit but you sure can't read it.

MAGA1776 - February 10, 18:20
It was the interview of the decade: a real journalist in front of a real statesman discussing why we're in the mess we're in. Go Tucker!

KarenKilla - February 10, 18:22
@MAGA1776: Tucker's just jealous Orange Man's been taking it in the ass from Sweet Daddy Putin and he wanted in on the action. Get in line, MAGAt...

Biden2024 - February 10, 18:24
@KarenKilla: From what I heard it was just Tucker throwing softball questions and letting Vlad drone on about Russian history and make out he's a victim. It takes a special kind of idiot to think this is journalism.

KarenKilla - February 10, 18:25
@Biden2024: I know. I SAW it. And I didn't say it was journalism. Why don't you try reading what I actually said instead of twisting it and making assumptions, you misogynist piece of white shit.

Biden2024 - February 10, 18:26
@KarenKilla: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was just building on what you said. I meant idiots like @MAGA1776.

MAGA1776 - February 10, 18:27
@Biden2024: Fuck you, retard.

Biden2024 - February 10, 18:28
@MAGA1776: I know you are but what am I?

MelGibsonIsGod - February 10, 18:33
I was moved to hear Putin discuss his faith so openly and honestly. When he said about Russia and Ukraine becoming one again with each other through the soul (our most precious gift from The Heavenly Father Our Creator) my heart melted. As a fellow Catholic I totally agree with him that it is love and shared spiritual values which build bridges not politics and ideology.

RamaswamyRulez - February 10, 18:35
@MelGibsonIsGod: He's Russian Orthodox, not Catholic.

MelGibsonIsGod - February 10, 18:36
@RamaswamyRulez: Then he can burn in hell for all I care.

RussiaBot1917 - February 10, 18:38
@Biden2024: Are we to infer you didn't watch it, then?

Biden2024 - February 10, 18:40
@RussiaBot1917: I don't need to to know it's just a propaganda exercise. Just by interviewing Putin TC's shown what a useful idiot he is and where his true allegiances lie. His citizenship should be revoked IMMEDIATELY.

RamaswamyRulez - February 10, 18:42
@Biden2024: And those other journalists who claim to have been queuing up to interview Putin since the war began (CNN's Christiane Amanpour, the BBC's Steve Rosenberg, Politico's Heidi Pryzbyla, etc) - are they all traitors too? Or is it just journalists of a certain stripe?

Biden2024 - February 10, 18:43
@RamaswamyRulez: Nice whataboutism, SHAMaswarmy boy.

RamaswamyRulez - February 10, 18:44
@Biden2024: Whataboutism or highlighting the flaw in your 'argument'? 🤔

Biden2024 - February 10, 18:46
@RamaswamyRulez: He platformed an anti-democratic, authoritarian strongman. There is no argument.

MAGA1776 - February 10, 18:47
@ Biden2024: "There is no argument" - you said it 😜

RamaswamyRulez - February 10, 18:50
@Biden2024: You mean like Erin Burnett from CNN when she interviewed Zelensky? The not-at-all anti-democratic, authoritarian strongman who banned an entire religious denomination, suspended elections, imprisoned political opponents and dresses like Action Man circa. 1982?

Biden2024 - February 10, 19:01
@MAGA1776: Fuck you, retard.

MAGA1776 - February 10, 19:02
@Biden2024: I know you are but what am I?

TruthTeller1981 - February 10, 19:05
We're just going round in circles talking about this interview when the most important point hasn't even been raised yet.

RussiaBot1917 - February 10, 19:06
Which is?

TruthTeller1981 - February 10, 19:07
I don't know, it hasn't been raised yet.

WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11 - February 10, 19:09
The most important point is that (((Zelensky))) is just a spokesman for his (((paymasters))) in (((Washington))).

RussiaBot1917 - February 10, 19:10
@WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11: Let me guess, the dome on top of the Capitol Building gives it away?

WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11 - February 10, 19:11
@RussiaBot1917: You got it...

BLM4EVA1865 - February 10, 19:13
@WhoWatchesTheWatchmen9/11: From sea to shining sea, the USA will be free... ✊

RussiaBot1917 - February 10, 19:14
Dear God.

JUstinBieberLover39888655592 - February 10, 19:18
My mom ses Rusha shud send a jurnalist to inter view Pressident Biden for too hours. THen we wud see who really knows what s goin on